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Promotional Products Australia - Personalised Sushi Sets - Merchandise Up

SKU 2881 - NATURA Bamboo Sushi Makers

PriceFrom $23.33

These custom-branded Bamboo Sushi Maker Sets are the perfect tool for crafting delicious homemade sushi. Made from natural bamboo, these easy-to-use sets are ideal for both beginners and sushi enthusiasts. With step-by-step instructions included, your clients will achieve perfectly rolled sushi every time. Presented in eco-friendly packaging with NATURA branding, they are an ideal promotional gift for foodies and entertainers.


PLEASE NOTE: Bamboo is a natural material which produces unavoidable variances in the grain pattern, colour and branding.


Pricing includes a 1 colour print in 1 position. But we can also do a classy engraving or a vibrant full colour print at an extra cost.

  • Material: Sushi Maker: Bamboo


    Packaging: Individual Gift Box

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